
As BV said, Marinnov’s highly manoeuvrable dual-fuel liquid natural gas ship concept becomes universal most sophisticated and largest capacity designs, first-ever of this kind.

Its safety level is extremely high, while coastal navigation, port operations possibilities show the best indicators.

Aforementioned semi-submersible barge received this title due to an open deck measuring 275 x 70 m and large lifting capability (117,000 metric t).

Delivered by Hyundai Massive Industries (2013), known as a “V-class” Heavy Marine Transport Vessel (HTV), item belonged to Dockwise (Dutch sea part)/dredging services company Royal Boskalis Westminster.

As latest studies report, water trading sector needs a huge sum for improving to meet United Nations’ targets (carbon emitting cuts).

Almost whole world trade is sea-transported, universal fleet should reduce CO2 emissions preventing pollution.

Foresaid power delivery chain, launched by Gasprom, stretched from Russia to Turkey and neighboring territories.

Russian petrol giant hosted a Grand opening ceremony bringing onboard Presidents Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, management committees’ chairmen, other bureaucratic delegates, etc.

Both mentioned companies are product’s equivalent owners.

This event took place at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd. Recently created large fuel carrying barge built in China (Pao Novatek's Yamal project) was named MERAK.

Robotic era brought us giant water vehicles-drones.

Rolls-Royce Blue Ocean development stuff created modern land-based captains dream - newest virtual reality offering them remotely controlled teamless tankers. This model imitates 360-degree bridge views.

Presumably, this may be tanker Duke (carrying oil/chemical products). She left Luanda heading for fuel cargo discharge, currently managers confirm information about local vessel being attacked and 20 team members’ abduction (Indian citizens). Just one Nigerian trainee escaped aforesaid forcible removal.

Even though Iran and the USA promised they stopped conflicts’ continuation, it seems marine shipowners hard times came. All involved face overcoming difficulties paying high bill after terrible rocket strikes in Iraq taking place lately.

As prevailing environmental problems grow into more irreversible ones, various departments heads generate up-to-date ideas. Thus, International Maritime organization has defined a recent mission, which aim is oil diffusions’ reduction by 50%. Plan should be implemented when 2050 starts. Dominant commercial formations establish contributing sea vehicles decarbonization resolution. Soon results called Poseidon Principles came out - an overall disclosing climate alignment of finance institutions’ shipping cases system.

Top worldwide banking sector chairmen admit they bear responsibility for environmental-friendly promotion.

News report from Singapore, largest bunkering center on Earth: heavy sulfur fuel supply (HSFO) becomes less often ordered.

Authorities see some clear dichotomy in combustible type choice. Now insufficient sulfuric materials sales showed huge grow (100,000 tones) while

380 cst oil graded down year-on-year by 140 thousand metric tonnes.


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